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Film Law 101: 5 Myths About Film Contracts BUSTED! film contracts film law

If there's one thing every indie filmmaker needs to grasp, it's the critical role that legal contracts play in the filmmaking process. In this video and post, we'll debunk five common myths surrounding legal contracts in the world of...

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5 More Essential Contracts for Indie Filmmakers film contracts

Indie Filmmakers need to have a creative vision for their films. But as you’ve probably found out, they also have to wear a lot of hats. One main “hat” that indie filmmakers have to wear, especially on a tight budget, is contract...

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The One Contract You MUST Use For Your Indie Films film contracts releases

Many independent filmmakers are anxious to dive in with making their movie and bringing their creative vision to life. But what happens next is equally important - sharing that vision with the world. An important part of sharing that vision is...

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5 Essential Contracts For Indie Filmmakers film contracts location agreements music licensing option agreements

Indie Filmmakers need to have a creative vision for their films. But as you’ve probably found out, they also have to wear a lot of hats. You can’t make a film without doing all of the legwork to get there - that means dotting a lot of...

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How to Sell Your Spec Screenplay film contracts option agreements screenplays

Many Hollywood writers write screenplays speculatively or “on spec” meaning they write it before selling it. This can be a great way to get noticed and make a lot of money if you write a good one. But you have to know how to sell it or...

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